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    Helping your business win.

  • Small Business Demystified

    Making forming and starting your business as simple as a phone call. Schedule a consultation today to begin. Services offered:

    • LLC Registration
    • Operating Licenses 
    • Tax ID numbers 
    • Operating Agreements 
    • Business Strategy Reviews

  • Crowdfunding Simplified

    Taking the guess work out of equity and debt crowdfunding.

    Check out our Raising Money, equity crowdfunding workbook and jump start your JOBS Act crowdfunding campaign to raise up to $1M. Additionally, Crowdie Advisors helps with:

    • Form C prep
    • Funding Portal Selection 
    • Marketing Materials Review
    • SEC, FINRA, CFTC, CFPB. IRS Compliance 
    • Post Raise Reporting 

  • Raising Money WorkBook

    Raising Money gets easier when you have direction. The "Raising Money" workbook is your guide.

    Raising Money, Workbook - How to use the JOBS Act to Raise Up To $1M

    Raising Money, Workbook - How to use the JOBS Act to Raise Up To $1M

    Raising Money is hard. We've simplified it.

    Raising Money is your guide to how you can raise up to $1.07M using the Reg CF Equity or Debt Crowdfunding.

    We also demystified raising money for blockchain, cryptocurrency and token projects.

    Raising Money is a 90-day workbook designed to get you Investor Ready by improving your odds of successfully raising up to $1.07M dollars for your business via JOBS Act crowdfunding.

    Looking to understand what it takes to raise money and be investor ready? You've come to the right book.
    Coming soon
  • Schedule a call

    Use the link below to schedule a free consultation today.

  • Connect With Us

    Feel free to tag us! @CrowdieAdvisors

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  • Videos

    Short videos to frequently asked questions in crowdfunding, business and compliance.

    Intro to the world of JOBs Act Crowdfunding.

    Welcome to the world of crowdfunding. The next series of videos walk you thru the "JOBS Act Equity and Debt Crowdfunding Workbook".

    What is crowdfunding?

    In this video you will walk away with an understanding of what crowdfunding is and what the four major types of crowdfunding: donations, rewards, equity and debt.

    Understanding Debt & Equity Crowdfunding

    In this video you will walk away with insights into what JOBS Act Equity and Debt Crowdfunding are, why they matter to your business' capital raising efforts and how you can take advantage of crowdfunding.

    How the intersection of ICOs, STOs and crowdfunding impacts you

    What are ICOs (initial coin offerings), STOs (securitized token offerings) and crowdfunding? More importantly why should you care and how do they impact your business? This video provides you insights into the realities of ICOs/STOs and crowdfunding, which will enable you to make the best decision for you and your business as possible.

    What is an IEO (Initial Exchange Offering)?

    In this video we discuss what an IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) is. There has been a lot of hype around #IEOs but what does that really mean? We get beyond the hype to the meat of the matter to empower you to make the best / most informed decisions for yourself as possible.

    Securitized Token Offerings (STO) episode


    Discussing Securitized Token Offerings (STOs) and Crowdfunding

    Blockchain, Equity Crowdfunding & Customer Acquisition demystified

    1. Crowdfunding is a customer acquisition exercise Maureen L. Murat, Esq.


    2. What has greater LTV (life time value) an investor or a customer?

    Wyoming Blockchain Laws

    Maureen Murat and Bob Cornish discuss securities, tokens and the future of ICOs.

    STOs and ICOs are crowdfunding

    What’s all the hype about #STOs and #ICOs? They’re just #crowdfunding. Do you know what a “securitized token offering” is? It’s a process to raise money, from strangers. Watch this video to learn more about what you’re either investing in or trying to do. Cause crowdfunding is hard AF.

    Operation Disruption: Blockchain, AI and the Future of IP

    From "The Fourth Annual IP Mosaic Conference IP Unbundled: Theory, Policy, and Practice" on October 26, 2018 at UNH School of Law

    Understanding the intersection of Blockchain and Crowdfunding


    What do #blockchain and #crowdfunding have in common? Checkout these 5 minutes to help you wrap your head around why the future of all blockchain projects goes thru crowdfunding.

    STOs v Crowdfunding - update on the future of capital raising

    Providing an update on the current state of securitized token offerings (STOs) and crowdfunding for people interested in raising capital.

    Crowdfunding - Jobs Act overview of cost

    An overview of some of the cost of debt and equity crowdfunding. Note - video is from 2016. However, it is still applicable. Full JOBS Act can be found here: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/B...

    The true cost of equity crowdfunding - 2016

    Video is from 2016. However, the cost remain fairly consistent. How much it will cost you will vary by your unique campaign considerations.


    Generally speaking your budget should be between $16k - $22k minimum.  

    Intellectual Property

    Maureen Murat of Crowdie Advisors provides a brief overview of IP and NDAs for startups and entrepreneurs.

    After the raise. Post ICO issues.

    What happens after your ICO or crowdfunding campaign?


    A brief overview of the operational side of raising money.

    Cryptocurrency and ICO Taxes

    A little insight on your #cryptocurrency and #ico taxes courtesy of mmurat@cogentlaw.co

    How much free money cost in the ICO space - 2019

    For people considering doing an ICO, here is a brief breakdown of cost associated with your project. Cause money ain't free. Link to document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12... 

  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Beginning in January 2020 and for the rest of 2020, CrowdieAdvisors, working in partnership with Axes and Eggs, will be conducting interviews and conversation with 200 hundred and 2 business owners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders in the Nation’s Capital. About the #2020in2020 Spotlight...